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Guide to Compression Levels
Guide to Compression Levels
LET'S START AT THE BEGINNING... WHAT DOES mmHg STAND FOR? The medical abbreviation mmHg stands for “millimeters of mercury”, which is a unit of measurement for pressure. It’s the same unit of measurement for measuring blood pressure. Compression stockings use a range for how much pressure it provides, because the compression changes depending on your size.
True gradient compression stockings improve blood flow, and are designed to deliver a controlled amount of pressure, starting at the ankle, and gradually decreases towards the top of the stocking. This promotes better circulation to help control swelling and relieve tired and achy legs.
✔ Improve circulation
✔ Help prevent swelling
✔ Energize legs and feet
Great for daily wear, travel, and sports, compression stockings help improve circulation without being too tight on your legs. 15–20mmHg compression garments come in a variety of materials to fit any lifestyle.
✔ Relief of heavy, tired, achy legs
✔ Mild varicose veins
✔ Poor blood circulation
✔ Leg discomfort
✔ Mild to moderate swelling
✔ Mild edema
✔ DVT for long distance travelers
✔ Varicosities and swelling during pregnancy
✔ Thrombosis prophylaxis
✔ Individuals subjected to immobility
✔ Individuals on their feet for extended periods
Ideal for varicose veins, spider veins, swelling (edema) and after surgery. You don’t have to have a condition to wear 20–30mmHg. People looking for a bit more support than the 15–20mmHg usually choose to wear 20–30mmHg.
✔ Relief of heavy, tired, achy legs
✔ Moderate varicose veins
✔ Venous insufficiency
✔ Moderate swelling
✔ Minimal edema or lymphedema
✔ Prevention or management of DVT
✔ Varicosities and swelling during pregnancy
✔ Superficial thrombophlebitis
✔ Arterial insufficiency
✔ Post-op sclerotherapy or vein ligation
✔ Post venous ulceration
This stronger level of compression is recommended for blood clots (DVT), lymphedema, severe swelling (edema), severe varicose veins and post-surgery.
✔ Relief of heavy, tired, achy legs
✔ Advanced varicose veins
✔ Severe chronic venous insufficiency
✔ Moderate swelling
✔ Moderate edema or lymphedema
✔ Prevention, management, or treatment of DVT
✔ Post-Thrombotic Syndrome
✔ Post-Phlebitis Syndrome
✔ Post vein stripping or sclerotherapy
✔ After healing of moderate ulcerations
*The mean compression of an average ankle size.
This is general information and not intended to diagnose or treat patients. It is the provider's responsibility to ascertain the appropriateness of individual applications of compression therapy. Patients should always consult with their provider prior to wearing compression products.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Compression products should not be worn and are contraindicated if you have any of the following conditions: severe arterial insufficiency, cutaneous infections, acute dermatitis, wet dermatosis, uncontrolled congestive heart failure, skin irritations, allergies to dyes.
Therafirm® is a brand of Thuasne, LLC.
Proudly made in USA in Hamlet, NC.